Rwanda Gikuriro Kuri Bose (GKB) – Inclusive Nutrition and Early Childhood Development (INECD) Mid-Project Qualitative Process Evaluation Final ReportDownload Document: GKB-Mid-Project-Eval-Report-D4I-_TRE-24-41-3-14-25-508c.pdf (6 MB)Abstract: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Gikuriro Kuri Bose (GKB) – Inclusive Nutrition and Early Childhood Development (INECD) project is a five-year (October 1, 2021–September 30, 2026) activity implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in consortium with Humanity & Inclusion, Umuhuza (local organization), Three Stones International, and University of Global Health Equity, CARITAS, Africa Evangelical Enterprise, Young Women’s Christian Association, and Duharanira Amajyambere y’Icyaro. The activity operates in 10 districts in Rwanda. GKB promotes nurturing and responsive care practices, especially in the areas of health, functioning, nutrition, and early childhood development (ECD) for parents/family caregivers and children in Rwanda. Specifically, GKB aims to improve health and nutrition outcomes among women of reproductive age and improve infant and young child feeding practices. It also addresses child development gaps, improving rehabilitation services, and social inclusion needs for infants and children. The activity focuses on community-level service delivery, community-health facility linkages, and district-level capacity strengthening, including access to programs and services for children and adults with disabilities, in line with Government of Rwanda priorities.Shortname: TRE-24-41Author(s): Stephanie Martin, Julius Namanya, Milissa Markiewicz, Tory Taylor, Patrick Hitayezu, Emma Shyaka, Cynthia Girurugwiro, Patricia MohoroYear: 2024Language: EnglishRegion(s): RWANDAFiled under: Child health, Nutrition, Report, Rwanda