Use of Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills among Women with Elevated Blood Pressure in BangladeshDownload Document: Oral-Contraceptive-Use-and-BP-in-Bangladesh_FS-23-609-D4I_508.pdf (396 KB)Abstract: This technical brief examines the prevalence of elevated blood pressure (BP) among currently married women ages 18-49 (CMWA18-49) by their family planning method use: (a) combined oral contraceptive (COC) pills, (b) other modern methods, and (c) those who do not use any methods or use traditional methods. The brief also estimates the total number of CMWA18-49 who use COCs and have elevated BP.Shortname: fs-23-609-d4iAuthor(s): Data for ImpactYear: 2023Language: EnglishRegion(s): BANGLADESHFiled under: Bangladesh, Brief, Contraception, Family Planning, Women