A midwife providing postnatal care in Bangladesh. 2017 Anna Dubuis/UK Department for International Development (DFID) 1

EN-MINI: IMPROVE Newborn Data Quality

These two EN-MINI tools address IMPROVE Newborn Data Quality (Figure 6). These two tools are newborn adaptations of PRISM tools with ready-to-use digital data collection forms.

Figure 6. EN-MINI Tools: Improve Newborn Data Quality

To prepare for digital data collection:

Download the EN-MINI-PRISM training manual, EN-MINI-PRISM training slide set, and the EN-MINI Tools for Routine Health Information Systems brief (with findings from Tanzania).

RHIS Performance Diagnostic EN-MINI-PRISM Tool 2
UsesDetermines the overall level of RHIS performance via its data quality and use of information. Captures technical and organizational determinants such as indicator definitions and reporting guidelines, the level of complexity of data collection tools and reporting forms, the existence of data-quality assurance mechanisms, RHIS data use mechanisms, and supervision and feedback mechanisms.
UsersTeams of newborn program stakeholders, RHIS technical experts and national/subnational policymakers working to improve data for action
Tool access: DigitalUpload the EN-MINI-PRISM Tool 2A and 2B SurveyCTO forms to your SurveyCTO server
How to use the tool: DigitalEnter your data directly on the SurveyCTO secure server form 2A from District Office:
• Key Informant interviews with RHIS staff compiling reports
• Document review and observation of reports
Enter your data directly on the SurveyCTO secure server form 2B from Health Facility:
• Key Informant interviews with Health facility manager and data manager
• Document review and observation of reports
Data analysisDownload your SurveyCTO Tool 2 data and upload to EN-MINI-PRISM Analysis Tool to generate analysis tables
Tool access: Paper version EN-MINI-PRISM Tools set pages 29–99
Data analysis Download your SurveyCTO Tool 2 data and upload to EN-MINI-PRISM Analysis Tool to generate analysis tables and figures.
Report examplesEN-MINI pilot reports from Tanzania and Bangladesh
Facility/ Office assessment EN-MINI-PRISM Tool 5
UsesAssesses the availability and status of resources needed for RHIS implementation at supervisory levels
UsersTeams of newborn program stakeholders, RHIS technical experts and national/subnational policymakers, working to improve data for action
Tool access: DigitalUpload the EN-MINI-PRISM Tool 5 SurveyCTO form to your SurveyCTO server
How to use the toolEnter your data directly on the SurveyCTO secure server from:
• Key Informant interviews with district RHIS unit director, health facility manager and data manager
• Office inventory visit/ tour, desk review and observations.
Tool access: Paper VersionEN-MINI-PRISM Tools set pages 129-143
Data analysisDownload your SurveyCTO Tool 5 data and upload to the EN-MINI-PRISM analysis tool to generate analysis tables and figures
Report examplesEN-MINI pilot reports from Tanzania and Bangladesh

Return to the EN-MINSMI and EN-MINI Tools homepage or overview.

1 Flickr image modified.

EN-MINI and EWEN-MINSMI tools were produced with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of the Data for Impact (D4I) associate award 7200AA18LA00008, which is implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in partnership with Palladium International, LLC; ICF Macro, Inc.; John Snow, Inc.; and Tulane University. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.