Lessons learned in using organizational network analysis for planning and evaluation of global health programs

Data for Impact (D4I) hosted the fourth webinar in a series sharing lessons learned in applying complexity-aware methods in global health evaluation and research. This webinar focused on organizational network analysis (ONA).
ONA is a powerful approach that measures and maps relationships among organizations to advance understanding of complex systems. ONA provides a comprehensive understanding of how organizations are (or are not) working together—either by sharing information and resources, or by referring clients for services— and helps identify gaps in services and opportunities to get more out of the resources already deployed.
In this webinar, presenters shared background information on ONA, case studies of its application for public health program design and evaluation in Uganda and Botswana, and lessons learned from its implementation.
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Using Organizational Network Analysis to Plan and Evaluate Global Health Programs
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Katherine Andrinopoulos, PhD, MPH, is a senior researcher with MEASURE Evaluation and an associate professor in the Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences department at Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. She conducts applied research in the areas of gender, HIV, and key populations.
Emily Weaver, PhD, is a research associate for the Data for Impact project based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill through the Carolina Population Center. She has worked for 14 years in research and evaluation of public health programs with expertise in maternal, newborn, and child health.
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